
Leonardo Bornati

Total look N21Hat BonfilioShoes SebagoSocks Calzedonia Battalion Photography LEONARDO BORNATIStyling VINCENZO PALATIELLOGrooming ALESSANDRO POMPILITalents NEL VARGAS | @independent_mgmt and ALESSANDRO POMPONI | @modelsmilano.scouting Total look MoschinoHat Bonfilio Coat MSGMShoes MoschinoEarring N21Socks Calzedonia Jeans Diesel Hat BonfilioSocks CalzedoniaShoes Moschino Total look MSGMShoes MoschinoSocks Calzedonia

brothers in arms

Brothers in arms by Danny Makam

Black shirt LourdesWhite shirt DieselPants QuestEarrings Kiskalab brothers in arms As brothers, we dream together, laugh together, eat together, and even fight together. Every shared moment, from quiet conversations to fierce arguments, only strengthens our connection.  Through every challenge and triumph, the bond between brothers in arms is unshakable. In times of hardship, we lean on each […]

escape room

luis calvo hernandez escape room editorial

escape room ESCAPE ROOM is „ROOM“1. f. Action and effect of inhabiting.2. f. Place intended for living. „ESCAPE“1. m. Action of escaping or getting away, especially from a dangerous situation.Translating it to an abstract level, escape room is trying to escape from the inner world that encloses andtorments us and get closer to a less […]


leonardo bornati, elena dini silvera metalhead magazine, fashion editorial stile, vittorial santarelli

Coat The frankie ShopVest Stella McCartneyStockings WolfordShoes Erika Cavallini esercizio di stile STILE s. m. [lat. stĭlus „stilo“]. Esercizio di stile, a conceptual project aimed at proposing and analysing one or more stylistic solutions. It serves as inspiration for a future project, adopting a new stylistic direction. In industrial design, a common stylistic exercises are […]

Waiting for a miracle

waiting for a miracle

grunge vibe editorial shot by Colin Svensson exclusively for The Metalhead magazine

Paradoxal soul

Paradoxal soul „Paradoxal soul“ is a tribute to the lost youth, those wandering souls seeking solace in the dissonance of a disenchanted world. Beneath the layers of sadness and apathy, there beats a heart full of raw emotion. It’s the pain of broken dreams, the ache of unrequited love, and the bitter sting of disillusionment.Lost […]


„The repeating error,
the abandonment to failure, devoid of any positive outcome.
The “inept “ is the man un-fit for life, abulic, dissatisfied and unresolved.
Unable to seize the opportunities of existence to take advantage and enjoy them.
He is the defeated victim of himself and his tortuous psychology.
The result is an eternal child screwing himself into the repetitive mechanisms of an unresolved life.“

Out of the Archives

Lace top Remake SthlmLeather top Darker WavsJacket and belt TEURN STUDIOSJeans HOPEStockings CalzedoniaSlippers Max MaraEarring SYDORIARings pfgSTOCHOLMNecklaces Stylist’s archive Out of the Archives „Out of the Archives“ is a fashion editorial exploring the theme of youth emerging from the shadows of conformity. It portrays individuals who have long hidden within their metaphorical shells, embodying a […]

Tiring city life

tiring city life Exclusive fashion editorial by Ulysse Carbajal. „In this edito, I wanted to express the tiring and stressful side of the city, by playing on exaggerated attitudes and expressions. through the model’s emotions, I wanted to express how hard it is to live in the city. But also through styling: My inspiration came […]


Jeans VetementsBoxers BalenciagaNecklace Isabel Marant igor „This project is one of my personal attempts to go back to basics and do things my way.After shooting some unusual and over the top ideas i wanted to focus again on the main subject.The subject being fashion and male model, no destructions, just clear vision and non-complicated form.“ […]