AXOS x THe Metalhead exclusive
Styling & Creative director: Julie Wozniak
Photography: Onofrio Petronella
Talent: AXOS
MUA: Cecilia Olmedi
Hair Stylist: Caterina Fico
Styling assistant: Christian Marinaro & Benedetta Dema
Photography assistant: Emiliano Cabona

Axos is all along an out standing Milanese rapper and because of his auctorial skills he is definitely one of those leading the Italian music stage. The best proof of it is one of the latest Artist’s discography by which really entered to his fanbase’s heart in a purely, vulnerable and human way. His career path was followed by millions of visualizations and many many important musician collaboration such as a platinum record with Salmo and Nitro and a lot of others equally genius cross overs. The latest record called “Manie” came out in March of 2022, by the time tho he was already working on a next up-coming hit for his very first sequel “Mitridate”. A part of already existing album that in 2017 has became an absolute phenomenon and remained a cult piece for all of the fans ever since.
Axos’s music has contributed a creation of a real and highly committed fanbase called SAD ARMY. The name was inspired from of the most famous songs in which the Singer says ‘I have written at least 20 Records to suppress myself, I am bringing a military of sadness, SAD ARMY’. Later on in April 2022 he reunites with his fans on his live event in Magazzini Generali in Milan on double sold out tickets making them live the original experience of THE EXPERIENCE LIVE TRIP.
When it comes to the fashion world he seems to be taking a huge part of it too. Axos got featured several times through famous brands and billboards campaigns such as a one for Foot Locker or Converse and much more. It’s not only a music that drives his art, but the message he has to be said.
He was always seen not only as a rapper, but also as a social activist and a sort of shelter for ones that listen to his music and can relate to lyrics of his songs. SAD ARMY is not an army for miserable and weak people, but it is an Army for those who are aware of the reality we live in nowadays so they may be sad about it but ready to make it change. The real journey has just started and the best is yes to come.

Shoes Antonio Marras

Shoes Versace

Jacket 13demarzo / Trousers Diesel
Shoes Diesel

Trousers Antonio Marras